Contribution of 1.200 EUR

The health insurance with a coverage that reaches the levels of the TOP products in Germany. This product “DKV Top Health®” is a mixed product, which means that it includes all kinds of health care provided by the members of our medical directory of medical experts (principle of benefit in kind). Moreover, DKV Top Health offers you the possibility of choosing doctors and hospitals freely (principle of reimbursement). Unlike typical Spanish products, medicines, remedies, adjuvant (including optical aids), rehabilitation etc. are included.

1. Using the associated list of medical experts: Principle of benefit in kind: 100%
2. Free choice of doctor or hospital: Principle of reimbursement
a) Without contribution
b) Contribution of 600 EUR
c) Contribution of 1.200 EUR
*Contribution only if the chosen doctors or hospitals are not in medical directory of doctors and centres in the case of primary care and dental treatment

Description DKV Top Health 2014